Saturday, September 10, 2011

sad monkey

I wonder if the less we believe in spiritual hope and consequence, the more we believe out lives are pointless. Seriously if we are nothing more than flesh and blood creatures then so what if we die! So what if anyone dies. Every organic thing dies and if this is all we are then seriously what was the point of us humans evolving into what it is we are now. Our intelligence has just led to overpopulation, wars  and destruction of the environment. Seriously what was the point of evolution if it led to this.
Why couldn't I have been born a monkey that lives in the jungle free to spring from tree to tree. I was born a monkey that has to find a job and  who has to pay bills and worry about the future.

Evolution may be real but it sucks!


  1. Monkeys worry. Death, eating, more death, bananas.

    What amazes me about me is that i have life because there is a thread connecting this life that i have all the way back to time immemorial. to the mists of time without a single break in this fragile thread and voila, here I am. There has to be some point to that. what do you think.

  2. If evolution is correct, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that it is, and if there is no 'supernatural world' so to speak, then I just can't see any point to the evolution of humans. If we lived like every other animal, completely reliant on instinct and evolved to suit our environment, then I wouldn't be sitting here wondering about the point of existence. I would be blissfully ignorant of the future, I would not be feeling sad because of the way people in the world are treated, I would not be concerned about how my kids are doing at school. Either there is more to the human existence than just evolution or evolution could not be a good thing for the human race. Of all the evolved animals the human is physically the most needy and the most vulnerable. At what point did the human animal evolve into something that needed to cook it's food. (It's been proven that humans cannot survive on just uncooked vegetables for a long period of time), that needed to wipe it's bum after defecating to prevent disease...the list of things we need to do that every other animal doesn't need to do goes on.
    It would be nice if there was a point to the unbroken fragile thread as you say. I think the fact that the fragile human race is still around is kind of a miracle really. But I think, or rather, hope that there is more to life than just evolution. Otherwise I see no point.
