Thursday, March 3, 2011

Too much Yang..

The trouble with patriarchal monotheism is that historically it was all yang and no yin. (Or at least very little yin). 
When Pagans worship or celebrate they are aware of and embrace both the masculine (yang) and the feminine (yin). It is all about balance which is brought about by the belief in the equality of both the masculine and the feminine deities..
I think it makes sense that everyone has a masculine and feminine side. A logical, linear side and an intuitive holistic side. Unfortunately due to a couple of thousand years of the belief in one male God and no feminine deity at all, (longer for the Jews), the modern day monotheistic worshipper has lost the ability  to ‘tap into’ their feminine side with as much ease and effectiveness as pagans..
Having said this, I have experienced church services where people have been dancing around worshipping in a trance like state singing those ever popular Hillsongs worship songs, chattering mindlessly in ‘tongues’ ‘falling over in the Spirit’ and really having a good time. It was great escapism from our mundane lives. But very irrational and to me it seemed there was no productiveness. 

In (most) Pagan or Animist cultures, getting into a trancelike state means that you are ‘raising power’ and there is a purpose for this. You do it so you can achieve something. You don’t do it just to have a good time. If you raise power you ‘channel’ it toward something like the fulfilment of a prayer or spell or to empower yourself and/ or others for action.
There is a balance of the deep, intuitive, yin and the external,  purposeful, yang.

A lot will say that the reason they are worshipping with such abandon is because they are ‘getting closer to God’.  And to this I say, fine. Why?

Perhaps this trance like worship style is a yearning to tap into the feminine.  I wonder if, after so many years of the domination of the linear, logical not so feeling style of worship, in this more egalitarian world, the feminine is emerging. However, rather than compliment the rational worship,  it kind of rebels against it with this  more intuitive, holistic style of praise..

I think the key to anything is balance..  In the case of worship I think be uplifted but always with your feet on the ground. Sing freely but always with your mind on your reason. Do everything with both feeling and purpose.
Just a thought!! Blessings!!