Friday, February 11, 2011

Evolution & Design..why not both?

If I am just an animal why is life so bloody complicated. No other animal stresses like a human. No other animal has to worry about paying bills,  buying school uniforms or getting a job. In fact no other animal needs to wipe it's ass for hygiene or cook it's food for digestion.

I think that this animal, this one called Human is very different from all others. It was designed or evolved for a purpose that is very different to that of any other creature on this earth. What exactly that purpose is I'm not sure and I doubt that I will ever know for sure but it doesn't hurt to explore all possibilities and develop theories.
Science and  Religion , although considered by some as completely opposing, can give us many clues and insights into life and spirituality. Science can answer how things happen but I don't think that it can always answer why. Too many things occur and exist in this world that, as far as I am concerned, science simply cannot explain.  Religion can give us many ideas as to why things happen but as in all man made things, these ideas are very often flawed with personal agendas, ignorance and fantasy.

I think there is a lot of lessons to learn in both the natural (science) and in spirituality (religion). At this stage I believe they are very much connected and not opposing at all.
For example; are we evolved or designed? Why not both?

Theory no 1.  Perhaps some time during our nature induced evolution, something happened. Something not so natural, something that happened to no other creature but the evolving ape like human.
So this leads to the next question...what?...Then the next question.... why?
And, as always, I could be wrong.
Blessed be!

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