Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Non Committed Spirit says....

I believe the moment ..that the spiritual world is far too vast and intriguing to limit oneself completely to one particular type of faith. I understand that some do and I think that if your path harms none then it’s all good. Religion is a harness for our spirituality. For some it can be a great way to be connected and guided. For some it’s a bondage, one they would feel uncomfortable being free of.  And for others it's mechanism to drag someone else's egotistical or financial cart. Some wear blinkers as well . Never questioning, never exploring what they believe, never considering a different point of view. Just accepting blindly what somebody tells them. Just leaving their spiritual growth in the hands of a human being who claims to be inspired by a god.

I think that most religions have something to offer…for example; not killing, not stealing, .he who has not sinned cast the first stone, etc ,are wonderful Biblical morals. The Wiccan Creed…’an it harm none do as ye will’ is a great principle to live by.  For me, in everything, I glean what is good, question what is confusing and purge what is bad. Unfortunately, according to some, I will go to hell for indulging in this freedom because I do not accept Jesus; Mohammad, Jehovah god, etc, as the be all and end all of my life and my deathly salvation.

So if anyone reading my little rant thinks this way, please just think about this..
Everything that is read is written by a human, every word that is heard is spoken by a human…so when something read or heard is claimed to be inspired by a god…..that claim is, in fact, made by a human. What does your faith say about humans?

As a human myself, I would never expect anyone to believe everything I write or say. I would never claim that anything I did, said or wrote was inspired by a god because if it was from a god I'm guessing it would  be perfect and no one could argue with it. I welcome an argument or the thoughts of others. I think our spiritual growth depends on interactions communications and experiences with others. If we refuse to explore our spirituality by asking questions and listening and considering the thoughts of others can we grow!

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